What is magic and witchcraft?

I have been dabbling in witchcraft since 2011, and practicing it in earnest since 2016. I used to offer spell services to clients but I have retired this aspect of my business. There is much that I have learned though and can pass on to others. Here's a quick look at what magic and witchcraft are about.
Magick is an energetic exchange
Magic is first and foremost, a reciprocal relationship between the practitioner and the elements she works with; be they the elements of earth, air, fire and water, spirits, deities, or ancestors. Magick is an energetic exchange between the energy of the earth. Some witches have access to power and guidance through ancestor worship, divination, and working with gods, goddesses, and spirits.
Not all witches work in the same way or work with deities.
"By definition, magic is mysterious and effective. The effective part is crucial: magic is a practical art. There are spells that have lasted for millennia. If they absolutely didn't work for anyone, they wouldn't be remembered. The converse is also true: no one thing works for everyone. This goes for conventional medicine, traditional medicine, educational theories, and magic, too." Judika Illes, Pure Magic, p.1.
Anyone can access the energy and power that can be found in the earth and the elements. Witches are just some of the people who have learned the skills necessary to do this. Many practices understand energy centers in the earth and body. Chinese medicine, tai chi, and reiki are all examples of healing practices that work with concepts of energy centers in the body. Westerners commonly know about these energy centers as chakras. Eclectic witchcraft incorporates many of these concepts from other parts of the world into our worldview as they add to our knowledge and build on what the ancient pagans and witches (of many regions) knew about energy.
Much of the terror of witches is based on people's fear of women who have personal power and who operate outside of patriarchal control. The fear of witches hexing people or cursing them is a projection of people's own suppressed ability to be violent, petty, or arbitrarily harmful. Everyone has the ability to either be a blessing or a curse upon others and more often than not, it is those without self-reflection and an autonomously built sense of morality that cause the most harm.
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