So you've employed a witch or your thinking about getting a witch to help you. These are my tips for you, based on having worked as a professional witch, and having had a lot of contact with clients good and bad. Here's how to be a great one and the get best out of your relationship with your chosen spiritual practitioner.
Find out how your witch works. Some will be more hands off, only needing certain details from you to do a group spell and others will approach their work in a more personal, one on one way. Don't assume you can't talk to your witch about your concerns and goals but also don't assume they have endless time to hold space for your venting.
If you have a lot of thoughts, email is usually the best format for that. A lot of online witches don't like getting DMs on Instagram or Facebook. Find out which method of contact they prefer. This brings me to my next point.
Respect her time
Using myself as an example, I value knowing about my clients, their lives, feelings and the situation they are wanting help with. This really helps me do a reading or perform a spell on their behalf. But it's not necessary to send a lot of screenshots of exchanges between you and your ex for example. Sometimes one of two can help me get a feel for the situation, but try not to overwhelm your consultation with details about your ex-partner. Spell work is about you fundamentally.
Make sure you read what the witch you want to work with is all about. What's his path? Does he offer hexes or are you just wanting that? Is your witch a psychic or an intuitive, empath? (there is a difference). Find out about this kind of thing or ask about what they actually offer and how they work.
Also understand that magic takes time. If you badger your witch to do things on your schedule you will likely sour the relationship and the magic they are doing on your behalf. So ask clear questions about timing. Are they timing the spell with a certain moon cycle? Are they booked out this week but are going to do your spell during the next? Are they resting before heading into spell work tomorrow? Many witches take ritual baths before and after doing spells as well as wear ritual garments, power items and jewellery during a spell. A lot of preparation goes into spellwork. Many make petitions and give libations to the spirts, gods and ancestors they work with for your benefit and their own. This all takes times as you can imagine.
Don't take a witch's emotional labour for granted. Using myself as an example again, my consultations are as long as they need to be so we can get to the heart of what's going on. If you've spent a lot of time talking to your witch about the situation you're seeking help with, consider sending them a bit of extra money as a thank you. Or consider paying for in depth consultations that are ongoing.
Respect her craft through educating yourself
Seeking information about what she/he/they do and their style of craft is great! You want to get a feel for what their process is like and how they work. But it's important you do your own reading into what magic is if you're seeking comprehensive information. I have information on this website about magic, but not all witches will have the time to explain how magic works in depth. The more educated you are the more your can contribute to the process and ensure its success. Magic is a reciprocal relationship between you and your witch.
It's okay to not know a lot about witchcraft, that's why you're seeking out a witch, but it's not welcome to approach us expecting that we explain in huge detail the craft or convince you that it works. Many witches can recommend books and resources for you to take a look at.
Magic is energy work. Having a good, respectful relationship with your witch improves the chances that your goals manifest in the way you are hoping. Magic is give and take - with your witch, with spirit, with the earth's energy. You can't take and not give back and get good results. You also can't afford to let your hurting heart or desperation to have your partner back mean you get demanding with your witch. The results will sour if you relationship with them does.
Treat a witch like a human being not a vending machine
The more your view what you are going into with a witch as cooperative the better your tarot reading, or spell will be as well as your experience.

Spell craft and divination are spiritual pursuits and and highly skilled. People have come to understand their gifts often through a lot of pain and confusion. There are many people who are rejected by family, friends and society for being psychic, tarot readers, seeing ghosts, talking to spirits and connecting with gods outside of the ones Abrahamic traditions.
It is still dangerous to be a witch in the West and can still lead to the death penalty in some countries, even now. Witches rise up against a lot of obstacles. Witches often have to figure out their skills on their own and then perfect them in a self taught manner or through seeking out occult circles and communities. Remember this when interacting with witches and pagans of all types - we rose up against great oppression and resistance, especially from from Christians.
Take this into account when you are desperate for a reading. They are not a psychic vending machine; able to pop out your future if you suff a note in. Divination is a subtle art and takes time to do well. You are interacting with a human being when you are seeking the aid of a witch, not a faceless business.
And as ever dudes and male folk, comments or 'compliments' about our appearance or looks are not welcome. Leave off this kind of thing in general - don't do this to people you don't know and without their consent.

Getting emails that start with ' hello, beautiful Love Witch' doesn't butter me up. You can call me Rachael and treat me and all other women and witches like humans, thank you very much. I don't seek to be venerated. I seek to be respected as I'm sure other witchy folks desire too.
I hope this was useful. Feel free to comment below about your experiences with witches - either as a working witch or having worked with one.
Blessings to you all! xx