The spell fizzles out, the results were partial, the end goal wasn’t achieved or nothing seemed to happen at all. Even though magic is open to all, not every situation calls for a spell. And even when magic can help, it might not seem to. Here are the signs that your spell might not manifest as planned and why.
You’ve gotten multiple spells for the same issue but nothing happens.
If you’re in a cycle of getting multiple spells from different witches and nothing is seemingly happening, this is the time to do some deep reflection, and maybe even get a really honest tarot reading. This is not the time to keep pushing ahead - this is the time to reflect on what you are asking for and why. Are you unwilling to consider another way to achieve your desired outcome? It can often be the case that we are stuck in such obsession and longing that we can’t see other pathways that are open to us. Opportunities might be opening up before you but in ways you weren’t expecting.
If you are using many rounds of spells to try and change a situation that involves other people, and nothing is happening - this is a sign to stop - more of the same isn’t the solution. If nothing is manifesting it’s because things ultimately can’t be changed or change can’t be made to happen using the magical method. It’s either time to face that your ex is not coming back, or it is time to use another approach. Put down the spell candles - it’s not going to happen that way!
If nothing is manifesting it’s because things can’t change or change can’t be made to happen using the magical method.
You’re asking for something that can’t come into your life right now.
Some spells don’t manifest because they can’t yet. Other conditions need to be in place in the world and/or in your life before things can progress. Or you might be chasing something that isn’t a good fit for you, so even a well-executed spell didn’t make your plans come together.
You might have really wanted a certain job, but you have neither the experience in this field nor a good temperament for the industry, which might explain why a spell to help you ‘wow’ your future employer fell short. It’s really important to know that magic can’t overcome all the practical barriers in your way. Magic can help attract all kinds of things your way, from lovers to opportunities, and jobs, but spells don’t make your goals manifest, or all come together no matter the obstacles. You need to figure out what the obstacles are and the best way to defeat them and if that is possible.
If you keep getting knocked back from certain types of jobs or opportunities, it may be time to think about if what you are asking for is realistic for you at this time. Are there a lot of practical things in your way that you could be working on instead of doing magic? Return to practical solutions if the magic doesn’t appear to be helping things manifest.
You feel utterly convinced that the perpetrator will get what they deserve if you get a revenge spell done.
Revenge spells don’t teach people lessons and don't decrease the chances of the person who wounded you harming others in the same way. Revenge spells just hurt people. They are not tools of teaching.
So often we want the other person - through punishment - to feel our pain, to understand what they did to us, and to learn a lesson. But not only does punitive justice not do this, we sadly can’t make someone feel compassion for us or sorry for the hurt they have inflicted. Revenge spells may have their place, but they can’t create change in others. Revenge spells just make the conditions of people’s lives worse and there is an argument to be made that worsening someone’s already stressed living conditions can lead to more violence.
You’re looking for a spell to do a hard task for you.
Some things a spell can’t do for you - like tell your partner "It's over", and put into place practical boundaries. Folks often hope that a spell will do the hard parts of communicating for them, but they can't. Many of your emotional responsibilities can only be taken care of by you and your practical efforts. Doing the hard stuff is part of having good communication skills and part of your growth.
Return to practical solutions if the magical doesn’t appear to be helping things manifest.
Your spell is lumped with the responsibility of solving the symptoms of an oppressive society.
This one is complex. So much magic is used for and was created so as to relieve the suffering of marginalised groups (such as hoodoo). I’m a big supporter of these magical traditions and using magic in these ways. But sometimes we are looking for spells to do the work of changing systematic oppression without knowing it. We think we are solely asking for our situation to be bettered so that life is fairer and more bearable (totally get that!) but sometimes we don't realise the spell is covertly being dumped with the responsibility of doing far more than that. Let’s explore that.
Witches do work spells as part of their activism, but this is part of an ongoing and multifaceted approach to creating social change. One spell can’t crush capitalism or racism (I wish it could!) It’s helpful, so as to avoid disappointment, to get clear on what your expectations are of your spell. Spellcraft can help you get a job with better work conditions, but one spell isn’t going to be able to create for you a situation where you never have to work again, and never have to suffer the brutality of being cohered into swapping your labour for money in order to survive. Sometimes it is the latter that folks are wanting but think they are just asking for a job spell.
It will take collective action to dismantle capitalism and release us all from the brutality of this system that we suffer under day-to-day.
You make regular requests to witches for spells to punish those who have offended or hurt you, or with the intent to try and make them see what they did to you, and treat you better.
If this is you, this is the perfect time to pause and reflect on a few possibilities. A spell to sour someone’s life may indeed work, but you will be in the same place emotionally - feeling aggrieved and bitter - no matter the outcome. Some uses of spellwork keep us from growing. Secretly punishing people around you does not teach them how you would like to be treated, does not create healing or reconciliation, or help you confront the issues in your relationships head-on. A lot of revenge work can keep you in a cycle of bitterness and avoidance. If you want to feel better, then it’s time to find another way to deal with your anger and unmet needs.
Some uses of spellwork keep us from growing.